Urgent Warning Signs During/After Pregnancy

You know your body best

Every year, as many as 50,000 women experience severe, unexpected health problems related to pregnancy that may have long-term health consequences. Two thirds of these deaths could be prevented with more education.

If you have any of these warning symptoms [pdf] | en Español [pdf]  during or after pregnancy, contact your health care provider and get help right away.



During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, it’s important to pay attention to your body and talk to your healthcare provider about anything that doesn’t feel right.  If you experience something that seems unusual or is worrying you, don’t ignore it.

Tips and Guide to Help Start the Conversation with your Physician [pdf] | en Español [pdf]

After Pregnancy

While your new baby needs a lot of attention and care, it’s important to remain aware of your own body and take care of yourself, too. It’s normal to feel tired and have some pain, particularly in the first few weeks after having a baby, but there are some symptoms that could be signs of more serious problems. If you need additional support, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Partners, friends and family

If a pregnant or recently pregnant woman expresses concerns about any symptoms she is having, take the time to Hear Her. Learn why listening and acting quickly could help save her life.

Advice for Caregivers [pdf]

Hear Her

The CDC’s Hear Her campaign aims to inform partners, friends, family, coworkers, and providers—anyone who supports pregnant and postpartum women—to really listen when she tells you something doesn’t feel right. Acting quickly could help save her life.