Provider Resources
Pathology Collection Manual
Comments, suggestions and assistance in regards to the improvement of this manual or of services in general is appreciated and can be addressed to the Laboratory Manager.
Requisition Form
If your patient wishes to utilize Woman’s Medical Laboratory, please print and complete the required information on the form linked below. Please give the form to the patient to present to Woman’s Laboratory.
- General Laboratory Request Form [pdf]
- CDL (PAP) Request Form [pdf]
- Cytogenetics Request Form [pdf]
- Pathology Request Form [pdf]
If you wish to consult with a Pathologist or for more information, please call the Pathology Department at 225-924-8368.
Send Us a Case
Add-On Testing
This procedure describes best practice for adding tests to a previously collected specimen.
- ELECTRONIC ORDER – For those physician office’s, that have the capability to submit electronic orders to Woman’s Hospital Laboratory, order add-on testing. Contact the main laboratory at 225-924-8271 to ensure that we received the request.
- WRITTEN ORDER - Fax Requisition Form (see above) with add-on testing to laboratory at 225-924-8616. Please call main laboratory at 225-924-8271 to ensure that we received the request.
NOTE: Physician signature is required to add tests to previously collected specimens. - Laboratory will add on test(s) if possible. If unable to add on, the laboratory will contact the requesting clinic or physician.
Helpful Hint
- Specimens are kept refrigerated for 7 days at the main laboratory. Please contact laboratory with any add-on questions.
Order Supplies
A limited amount of supplies for specimen collection are provided for Woman’s Hospital clients based on utilization of services. Orders are placed and supplies are shipped from our lab to client sites. Please use order forms below when ordering.
Courier Services
Woman’s hospital lab works with PGL (Pathology Group of Louisiana) providing courier service for transport of specimens (clinical and anatomical pathology) to our testing facility. Clients can arrange for scheduled pickups or can call the courier as needed.
Pathology Group of Louisiana
Contact Information
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dispatch: 225-766-1090
Supervisor: 225-706-4415
Fax: 225-766-6050