Cancer Care

Coping with Fears


Along the Cancer Continuum


  • Woman’s is hosting a two–part series focused on coping with fears that occur along the cancer continuum from diagnosis to end of life.

    Remaining hopeful as you deal with diagnosis and treatment can be difficult, so understanding how to use practical strategies to help identify level and intensity of fear can be helpful.

  • Friday, August 2

    The first session will cover identification of types of fear that can occur along the continuum and an exploration of the use of spiritual practices in coping with fear.

  • Friday, August 16

    The second session will expand on coping strategies, discuss dysfunctional fear with PTSD elements highlighting support and treatment options.

  • Anyone looking to better cope with fears and hear from other survivors should join us.

    Classes are free and may be registered for separately.  
    Light lunch and refreshments will be provided for both sessions.

Special Needs:

If you have a disability recognized by the ADA and would like assistance in registering or attending this offering, please call 225-231-5292.

Dates Offered